PSI Test Center Computer Specifications

Computer specifications

Hardware Specifications - For GPS Sites

Proctoring Machine

Operating System
Windows 10, 11 (64 Bit)

Minimum Memory
8 GB Ram
20 GB Free Hard Drive Space

Test Taker Workstations

Operating System
Windows 10, 11 (64 Bit)

Clock speed 3.00 GHz - recommended 4 cores / 8 threads

Recommended Memory
16 GB Ram
20 GB Free Hard Drive Space

Minimum Memory
8 GB Ram
20 GB Free Hard Drive Space

Video Minimum Requirements
19” Monitor-Landscape Orientation (21” Preferred)
15” HiSET
17” SS PAN Requirement
24” Other Special PSI Administered Exams

Screen Resolution
Minimum Resolution: 1024 x 768 in 16-bit color.

Recommended Resolution: 1920 x 1080 or higher in 32-bit color.

General Requirements

Pointing Device
Microsoft or Compatible Mouse

Broadband internet 5MB/s download, 1MB upload per Test Taker Workstation.
Minimum 10MB/s download and 5MB/s upload per Site.

Inkjet or Laser Printer

Internet Access
All workstations must have internet access. No laptops are allowed for FAA exam administration. Laptops are permitted for HiSET exam administration.

Peer to peer supported.
Network must be hardwired to the test facility. Wireless networking is not allowed.
Port 5001 must be open on all Firewalls.

PSI Bridge Secure Browser System Requirements

Operating System

Windows 10 (64 Bit Only)
Windows 11 (64 Bit Only)


Recommended 16GB
Minimum Requirement 8GB

General Requirements

Internet Connection
Broadband internet 5MB/s download, 1MB upload per Test Taker Workstation.

Network Security
Workplace firewalls and other security measures such as VPNs often block the required secure connection. Please take your test in a setting without a corporate firewall.

IP Addresses to Whitelist
• software.bridge.psiexams.com
• download.bridge.psiexams.com
• sb-ssl.google.com
• erds.bridge.psiexams.com
• dus.bridge.psiexams.com
• prod-rpaas-exam-pdiddy-content.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
• aat.psionline.com
• nirvana-aat.apec.psiexams.com
• e8asamb9w4.execute-api.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com
• s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com
• dmsnirvanaresults.goamp.com

Systems Not Supported
• Tablets
• Mobile devices
• Chromebooks
• Virtual Machines
• Mac OS

Software Specifications

Adobe Reader DC

This will be installed on the proctor machine to view test taker score reports.

Google Chrome

This will be installed on the proctor machine and test taker workstation for use as needed.

PSI Bridge Secure Browser

This will be installed on every test taker workstation to administer exams as indicated in the TCA Instructions.

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge in IE 11 compatibility mode required.

If the testing environment includes any of the following, PSI Technical Support will need to further investigate the environment with your IT staff to discover if it is suitable for testing:

  • Products that reset the machine configurations upon reboot or logging out (ie. DeepFreeze or similar).
  • Windows Virtual Environment running on Mac hardware.
  • Windows Virtual Environment running on Linux Operating Systems.
  • Thin Client or Lenovo all-in-one devices.
  • Chromebooks.
  • Any other non-standard hardware.