IT certification testing

Work with us to give technical certification test takers what they need.

Dreams deserve...

a seamless testing experience, secure test delivery, and a testing partner with decades of experience in IT certification testing.

The IT market is competitive and fast-moving. With new advancements and technology, your IT certification testing programs need to keep pace. Our technical certification test design and exam development experts are responsive to the evolving needs of your test takers and the IT industry. Our secure test delivery options use the latest test technology to offer flexibility, convenience and accessibility for every test taker.

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Chosen by leading organizations

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secure test delivery

Convenient and secure global certification test delivery

Your test takers have a choice of IT certification programs. Inspire them to choose yours with test delivery options that work for them. Our international network of certification centers in accessible locations covers 120 countries. Offer the flexibility to take a test at home or in the office with the security of PSI Live or Record & Review Online Proctoring. Go multi-modal and give test takers the freedom to choose.

Secure test taker experience

it certification test development

IT certification test development for a changing world

IT is a fast-paced environment and your test content will need frequent updates. PSI is a proactive partner in test design and computer based test (CBT) development for IT certification. We work with you to develop the quality certification test content you need today. And we look to the future to progress your strategic vision and product road map for the future. Using data and customer insights to deliver what test takers and the IT sector needs.

test security

A tailored approach to test security

Your test takers understand technology. They know fair testing doesn’t need to come at the expense of a great experience. And so do we. We leverage technology to give you the assurance of security while ensuring a smooth experience for your test takers – whether they attend a PSI exam center or take a certification remotely with secure online proctoring.

Test taker experiences for lasting relationships

Your test takers are improving their lives through certification. They are starting, switching and progressing their careers. Your connection with them can last for years. And we want your partnership with PSI to be just as long. That’s why we promise frictionless online testing services and 24/7 assistance for test takers. And smooth onboarding, outstanding client services and lasting relationships with our clients.

test taker experiences

Success stories

linux customer success
psi testimonials

"We wanted a partner who can deliver exams anywhere, anytime without someone having to go to a physical testing center. The gap in the market was ‘access’ and PSI was committed to delivering exams in real time, online."

Clyde Seepersad

General Manager of Training & Certification, The Linux Foundation

isaca success story
psi testimonials

"I have tremendously enjoyed working with PSI. They have been a very responsive partner, always working to improve the customer experience, innovating at every step. I continue to be impressed by how responsive they are to client needs."


nbrc psi client success
psi testimonials

"I think PSI’ll be at the forefront of emerging technology. As the testing industry has changed over the last 30 years, if you’re not at the forefront you’re not going to survive."

Lori Tinkler

Chief Executive Officer, NBRC

Partner with us

Whatever your testing needs, our friendly, experienced team is here to provide guidance and answer your questions.