Flexible test delivery with legally defensible test content.
Dreams deserve…
insurance testing with accessible test delivery and reliable test content
Your test takers expect insurance testing they can trust. And your consumers need insurance advisors who are knowledgeable in national and state law and fundamental industry principles. We offer the assurance and confidence of reliable and legally defensible test content, along with convenient and secure test delivery options that give test takers the power of choice. PSI is a member of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and Securities and Insurance Licensing Association (SILA).
Chosen by leading organizations
Valid and legally defensible test content
Insurance is changing and your test content must meet industry standards while keeping pace with a fast-changing environment. Our team of experienced test developers and psychometricians work with Subject Matter Experts to create national and State tests. We support all or any stage of the computer based test development process – from job analysis survey, item writing and test creation, to item and test review and standard setting.
Experienced in exam development for insurance
National and State test content
Delivers services to 15 State insurance departments
Flexible test development services
Secure test taker experience
Convenient and secure insurance testing delivery
Choose where and when to test
Quality-assured test centers
Anytime, anywhere remote testing
Fingerprinting in PSI Test Centers
Insurance education and support
We offer services in addition to insurance test creation and delivery. This includes Pre-licensing and Continuing Education (CE) services, such as course audits, course approvals and more.
Success stories
"The level of communication that we have means that, together, we can get anything done. Picking up the phone and calling at any time and I know I’ll get a response. That’s a huge comfort level. I know we can tackle it."
Aurelio Romero
Executive Director, New Jersey Real Estate Commission
"I would underscore that PSI was consistently committed to meeting our deadlines through the many challenges of a pandemic. It’s impressive how dedicated they were to see the project through and get the job done during a period of unforeseen roadblocks."
Jeff Oboyski
Assistant Commissioner, Licensing, California Department of Real Estate
"This [hybrid insurance exam] is revolutionary for the insurance industry, both from a regulatory standpoint and for PSI’s online proctoring itself."
Jeff Baughman
Producer Licensing & Oversight Program Manager, WA State OIC
Knowledge Hub
Partner with us
Whatever your testing needs, our friendly, experienced team is here to provide guidance and answer your questions.