
Adding value to credentialing with soft skills

Soft Skills – A New Frontier for Professional Credentialing

Licencing and certification play a key role in assuring professional competence. Whether it’s licencing to protect the public and meet regulatory requirements, or certification to provide assurance of a certain level of proficiency or qualifications.

Traditionally, professional credentialing programs have emphasized the assessment and development of knowledge and cognitive skills. However, increasing attention is now being given to the importance of the non-cognitive – or ‘soft’- skills needed to succeed and competently perform in many careers.

So why should you read this book?

  • You want to understand what non-cognitive skills contribute to the workplace.
  • You have questions about the soft skill assessments available for credentialing and how they guide development within your organization.
  • You’re interested in the future of assessing soft skills and the impact of trends in technology such as artificial intelligence.

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